Winter Style

February 22, 2019

Thank Goodness for Warm Jackets

Life was always a matter of waiting for the right moment to act I don’t know if I’ve been feeling the cold more since I came […]
January 28, 2019

Color is Important

Why live as one single color of crayon when you can live as the whole box and color the whole world! When we pick out the […]
January 22, 2019

Real Not Perfect

To be worthy doesn’t mean having to be perfect! Perfection is something that is one of those unattainable goals that we somehow seem to be striving […]
January 14, 2019

Winter Days

The best thing you can do is master the chaos in you. You are not thrown into the fire, you are the FIRE! One thing I […]
January 5, 2019

January Bleakness

My dreams are my dress rehearsals for my future! January in Utah is probably my least favorite month. I love the whole new beginning of it, […]
January 2, 2019

Goals NOT Resolutions

Decide that you want it more than you are afraid of it! I see so many posts on social media, and so many people talking about […]
December 31, 2018

Snow – a Love Hate Relationship

When it snows you have two choices…shovel or make snow angels! The beauty is all around us, the serenity, the wonder, the bleakness. Sitting in a […]
December 18, 2018

Choose Joy

When you choose joy you feel good, & when you feel good, you do good.  When you do good it reminds others what joy feels like […]
December 16, 2018

Snow Days

In the depth of winter I found that there was in me an invincible summer! I had visited Utah many times when I was younger, visiting […]
January 22, 2018

Top 5 Style Trends to Help you Make it Through Winter

“If you want to go big, stop thinking small!” There are just some styles that are timeless, ageless and for any season!  Leopard print works for […]
December 26, 2017

Top 4 Fabrics Every Closet Should Have

“I’m cut from a different cloth and they don’t make the fabric anymore!” Christmas may be over but the get-togethers, parties and dressing up opportunities are […]
December 3, 2017

Sundays are for…

  “There are seven days in a week and SOMEDAY isn’t one of them!”   I absolutely love Sundays for many reasons, but the main one […]