February 18, 2018

Styling with Fur…

  “If you’re bored, you’re probably being boring!”   So as you know this is not what I’m wearing right now because I’m in Hawaii but […]
February 7, 2018

Don’t be Afraid to Sparkle

“You mustn’t be afraid to sparkle a little brighter darling!” Ever since I could remember I have always loved standing out from the crowd and not […]
July 10, 2017

Summer Wedges

“You don’t get the same moment twice in life…so don’t miss it!” Monday is here and I am back to reality after my amazingly relaxing and […]
September 19, 2016

Embroidered Jacket

[huge_it_gallery id=”108″] “Don’t dress boring – life is too short to blend in!” I have been having fun doing a little more shopping for the Stylequeenie […]