We’ve all heard this quote before…we all know that a little laughter, fun and friends in our lives is what keeps us going – but do we really follow what we know?
There have definitely been times in my life where I have sacrificed the things I NEED to take care of others, and while that works for a while, it can leave us depleted and often resentful. It’s been a hot topic for me recently now that I am in a new season of my life where I don’t see a lot of the people I used to see and I have to really put forth the effort to nurture my friendships.
I can honestly tell you that I feel 100% rejuvenated after I have spent time with my girlfriends, and it doesn’t even have to be that we’ve done anything crazy or super fun…it’s just the energy. Do you have those kinds of friends in your life?
There is nothing better than a good laugh that causes you to cast aside your stresses, focus on the moment and really just engage. In fact, I would even say that I need to do this at least once or twice a week to make sure that my “fun” cup is still full.
I have noticed recently that I have been so focused on working, on growing our business, and the things our family have been going through that I have been a little neglectful of some of the relationships that I cherish – which is why I decided to write about this today so that it could serve as a reminder to me.
Whether you are someone that prefers the one on one time of a close friend, or you are more the “life of the party” kind of person doesn’t matter – what is important that you find ways to fill your cup doing the things that set YOUR soul on fire. I love how there are so many more articles, posts, social media posts etc. that talk about self-care and how vital it is…but I think sometimes it can become a little overwhelming especially if we are trying to fit the mold of it looking like we think it should. I love to ride my bike, exercise, read a book, spend time just casually chatting with friends, but that doesn’t mean the formula is going to be the same for anyone else – so why try and make it match? Pedicures are something I get regularly but I do know people that hate to have their feet touched – TOTALLY OK!! Do YOU!!!
Whatever it is that makes you feel good and helps you recharge your battery, that’s exactly what you should focus on.
Carry on 😉