I had the most amazing Thanksgiving with my family up in Midway, so much so that when we came back down to our house and started getting ready to go back to work and school today, it seemed almost depressing. When I woke my 2 younger boys up this morning, one said he had stomach ache and the other said he had so much fun with us this last week that he didn’t want to go to school but would rather hang out with us. I have to admit that when my alarm went off I had similar thoughts and even went to a place of thinking what could I do to rearrange some things so I could just stay home.
Needless to say, I got up, got dressed in a great power outfit, and went to work anyway. It makes our family time so much more precious when I realize that my boys loved it as much as I did, and that even though part of their stomach issues and sadness this morning was more about not wanting to go to school, I’ll take it 🙂
So how do we beat the blues when we have to come back to reality after a vacation, the holidays or even sometimes just a weekend. I have found that the only way that works for me is to think about the things that I do love about what I’m doing and what I am doing them for. For example, while I do love sales and having great relationships with my clients, I go to work so that I can buy the things I want, live in a nice home, travel a lot and not have to worry about whether I can buy something that I like. I also focus on meeting with my clients (who are also my friends) and let that drive me more than the monotony that I have to go through with paperwork, etc.
It is hard to explain this kind of thinking to younger kids, but I do believe that my boys are starting to get it at least a little bit and realize that by going to school it means that they can get a good education, which will translate into a good job and great pay (obviously with work to get them there). I definitely have to remind them quite often, especially since they can hardly remember to brush their teeth sometimes, but it’s worth it, and only the best habits are formed by repetition and determination.
We enjoyed the most amazing temperatures and weather this past weekend, but last night the winds came in and now the rain is here, which I know is soon going to turn to snow. We truly will be in our Winter Wonderland here in Utah in no time…which is perfect for Christmas and the Holidays (see, I am being positive 😉 ).
As you probably have already heard me say before, rain is my least favorite weather so I have to work really hard at not letting it get me down. The prospect of a lovely warm fire, hot chocolate, and snuggling under a blanket with the boys is what gets me through. I am a firm believer in energy…I believe that there is always a transfer of energy between people, and if you surround yourself with negativity or positivity that will eventually rub off on you. A trick that helps me when I have had a bad day is to hug my husband or kids for a minimum of 20 seconds, until I feel that transfer of energy and love which will erase most bad feelings from the day. Admittedly I sometimes have to hold them there for that long (20 seconds seems like eternity for a 10 year old), but they are mostly accommodating to their crazy mum!
What tricks do you have to help you through days when you just don’t want to be doing what you have to, or those days when things just seem to go all wrong? I would willingly try anything new to help me, and maybe some of mine will work for you!